Recycled plastic in dental products: Product developer interview
We are working on implementing recycled plastic in all of our core products, but why aren't all products 100% recycled plastic by now, and why do some products take longer? We had a chat with our Product Developer Kristin, to dive deeper into the journey towards more sustainable oral care products.
Flexitarianism, also known as casual vegetarianism is the abbreviated form of the words flexible vegetarianism. Meaning exactly what it sounds like, this is a casual, no rules dietary regime that practices consuming mostly vegetarian yet allows a small consumption of meat and animal products.
Urban Farming
Losing connection with nature and our food supply has many adverse effects that we may not be aware of or not yet at least. That's why urban farming could be the future of a sustainable lifestyle.
Is Thumb Sucking Bad?
Thumb sucking is a common and natural behaviour for infants. The pressure and sucking motion can make children feel more secure, calm them, and help them fall asleep. Children normally turn to thumb sucking when bored, tired, or upset. If your child is five years old or younger, it is not necessary to force them to quit. Most children will eventually give up this habit in their own time.